lunedì 23 aprile 2012

Behind Artist's eyes

"La mostra di Marina Abramovic" is opened...

You entry in the gallery and you feel silence and attention.The space is enought for megashow,acrobatic,big effects,colours,decorations.But there is only white colour...and it is enought.   I look up , the ceiling is so high and this big main room,where is going the performance, is full of ideas,thinking,questions and guesses.
The idea in performance was 30 minutes for each position of body:staying,laying and sitting.Then public can watch exactly details : movings, mimics, feelings, respiration, matery of clothes of these performancers.

I was dissapointed only about the performance was only one, I was waiting more, as I was watching Marina's performances in youtube, now I was waiting to watch it in real. There were a lot of videos, but nothing more "Online" escluse the one. There were a lot of shock videos,normal videos or something I didn't undestand,even If I was staying there for a long time and tried to concentrate and born some idea (It happened with the video on the kitchen,the sence of  what was completely inunderstable for me). But there was also videos I likes and I will never forget. As example I guess: How it is possibile ,that for a long time the donkey is staying at the front of Marina and doesn't move at all !!! Unbelievable.Seems she is a witch. (P.S.- with her hair and dress style+ particolar view of eyes it can be for sure)

For me this is the way the art world works, it's all about dialogue.The artist can't be present without public.And it is very interesting way ,Abramovic was working for,that at the end it is not clear who is public,who is artist!In her show she give a lot of possibilities to public to understand not only the performance, but themselves! I would just hope that when people make allegations like this, they would accept Abramovic's work,because it is actually not so easy, especially for close-mind people and people who are far from art in general.

"Il pubblico è la parte cruciale di ogni performance.La completa". - (Intervista in "Gioia,April 2012)

Abramović for her part said that she hadn't heard complaints directly from the performers:
"We've heard from a lot of people saying how happy they are to be part of it because they respect my work. They are not being used. They know that my work is about testing mental and physical limits".
Abramovic method is very particolar and some people at the first can think she is crazy SM.So it seems she is working for art people only, for a small part of generation.But I think in this "strange" or better to say special creative performances Marina Abramovic just tries to find art part and creativity in every normal person.At the end every person is a little artist in his head!

As I told at the beginning of my essay, in this Gallery with works of Abramovic, was a lot of space.Also in another (not phisical) sence- Marina always leave some space to think and create your opinion and view for everything is happening IN and OUT of show!

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